British Mathematical Olympiad

News: Balkan Mathematical Olympiad results (30 April 2024)

The UK team at the Balkan Mathematical Olympiad in Varna, Bulgaria have achieved the following scores (each question marked out of 10). The medal cut-offs were 33 for gold, 23 for silver and 12 for bronze.

Name Q1Q2Q3Q4TotalMedal
Aanya Goyal 10 0 0 010Honourable Mention
Adavya Goyal 1010 3 023Silver Medal
Zijie Guan 8 0 2 010
Ed Hart 10 0 7 017Bronze Medal
William Harwood10 0 0 010Honourable Mention
Samuel Sturge 1010 7 330Silver Medal

The problems were proposed by the UK (Tom Hillman), Romania, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan.

Previous news item: EGMO results (15 April 2024).

Next news item: IMO team selected (27 May 2024).